Hot Cross Buns for Easter!
One a Penny, Two a Penny, Hot Cross Buns! Hot cross buns are traditionally baked to be eaten during Lent, the 40 days before Easte...
Make your own Home-made Haggis for Burns' Night!
In 1801, some five years after the famous Scottish poet Robert (Rabbie) Burns' death, nine of his friends sat down to dinner, to celebr...
How to Make a Real Irish Coffee
I thought you'd like to have this recipe for my Irish Coffee, as they are delicious at any time of year! The important rules for ma...
Animated version of Gay Byrne's Christmas Cake Recipe
This is Irish TV Personality & Legend, Mr Gay Byrne, giving a spoof Christmas Cake Recipe where he gets to tasting the whiskey (that...
How to Cook a Turkey & my Favourite Stuffing Recipe
The turkey is the centre-piece of the traditional Christmas Dinner and it's also great for any other special occasion, like Thanksgivi...
My Traditional Irish Christmas Cake
Christmas cakes are made in many different ways, but generally they are variations on the classic fruitcake. They can be light, dark, moi...
An Irish Whiskey Pumpkin Pie for Halloween
The original Jack O Lanterns were carved from turnips, potatoes or beets and has been a popular tradition here for centuries! Immigrants fro...
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