October 24th is the 7th international Bake Bread for Peace Day and you can join in! Bake and Share a picture of your Bread on Saturday October 24th. Get your family and friends to share home-baked bread in the name of world peace and post pictures of your creations on your social media with the hashtag #BakeBreadForPeace
Bake Bread for Peace Day was born out of a passion for humanity, in 2014, by Breezy Kelly, a Baker and Storyteller from Glenties in Co. Donegal, Ireland. The aim of Bake Bread for Peace Day is to bring people together in a celebration of everything communal and good through one of the most common and basic activities that humanity shares all over the world, Baking Bread.
Baking bread together as a sign of peaceful intentions is a world-wide costume, common to cultures around the globe and it is the main aim of Bake Bread for Peace to bring the costume into communities and to strengthen it where already present.
Bake Bread For Peace Day has started to become a global movement and an international initiative made up of individuals who wish to bring peace, harmony, neighbourliness and a sense of community to those around them and to the world they live in.
"We are all at a loss for words to describe our sadness about the dis-ease in the world at present and things seem to be going from bad to worse", said Breezy. "The world wide chaos at the moment is so terrible that we try to ignore it, bury our heads in the sand and hope that it will go away, we feel helpless that there seems to be nothing we can do and yet we want to do something."
"Breaking Bread together is a universal sign of peace, it is something we can do together, no blaming, no making anyone right or wrong, just baking and sharing bread to reach out in peace and for peace. Together we can make a difference," she added.
Breezy Kelly, founder of Bake Bread For Peace
Breezy Kelly (aka Breezy Willow) is a native of Glenties in Co. Donegal. She has been involved in promoting the ancient tradition of home-baking for over 20 years. For over a decade she was included in the Heritage in Schools scheme which is run by the Heritage council and the I.N.T.O.
Breezy comes from a background where traditions were very important and it was her realisation that these traditions are fast disappearing that prompted her to launch “Sillybucks”, a project which collects and record stories, songs, recipes and cooking methods of days gone by.
In 2006 she published a collection of traditional recipes, “Bread, Scones, Stories & Songs”, which is now in the process of its 3rd print. In 2013 she was involved in organizing and facilitating ‘Born and Bread’ project, as part of the ‘One Donegal Cultural Diversity Month’.
Breezy came up with the idea for “Bake Bread for Peace” in 2014 and on October 24th of the same year she organized the first “Bake Bread for Peace” day. Working mainly through social-media, she encouraged countless individuals, in Ireland and abroad, to share their wishes for world-Peace and bring their neighbours and communities together through the ancient and Peaceful activity of baking Bread together.
Bake Bread for Peace is not an organization, it does not raise funds, it does not have a CEO, managers, or accountants. It is solely based on people taking the initiative and creating events in their own locality. It is based on communication and creative thinking shared between individuals across the world that have the same aim – to bring people together and share their love for Baking Bread and for Peace.
In previous years Breezy, along with her wee dog Sheila, a bag of bread soda and a tub of Bextartar, has taken to the roads of Ireland, north and south, to share the idea of Bake Bread for Peace. During her journeys she was hosted by various individuals and families and wherever she stayed she organized an evening of baking, songs and stories, encouraging her hosts to invite family and friends and to turn the evening into a celebration of Peace, unity and neighbourliness. This year, due to Covid_19, the event is being organised as an online event.
Breezy says "Think globally – Act locally, Peace begins at home. All that is required is an invitation, and baking ingredients. Together we can create an evening of Bread, Scones, Stories & Songs and most importantly, Peace and neighbourliness".
For More info about "International Bake Bread for Peace Day" and for more pictures, videos and recipes of bread posted by people from all around the world, check out the Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/bakebreadforpeace and you can also contact Breezy at breezy.willow@hotmail.com.
So Bake and Share a picture of your Bread on Saturday October 24th and post pictures of your creations on your social media with the hashtag #BakeBreadForPeace