From 4th – 10th October 2015, National Bread Week will be calling on the nation to ‘Love Your Loaf’ and celebrate one of Ireland’s favourite foods – Bread! The week is organised by Ireland’s bakers, who make the fantastic range of great tasting breads for us to enjoy every day. Whatever kind of loaf you prefer, be it Soda Bread, Sour Dough, Batch Loaf, Fruit Bracks or simply Sliced Pan – Irish Bread has so much to offer and is arguably the best in the world!

The week-long celebration, which is being supported by TV chef and author Rachel Allen, will highlight the heritage, value and versatility of bread, and dispel some of the myths about breads. Irish bread is steeped in history and tradition and has been part of our culture for hundreds of years and is definitely something we should all be proud of.
Imagine breakfast without toast, a picnic without sandwiches or soup without soda bread – bread has a part to play in every meal and is also one of the most versatile foods there is. Registered Dietitian Dr Mary McCrery, explains that bread also has a valuable role to play as part of a healthy balanced diet:
“National Bread Week is a great opportunity to correct some of the confusion there is about bread. For example, many of the facts quoted about bread are based on American bread which is completely different in its composition, particularly its sugar content, to the healthier style Irish bread. Contrary to popular belief bread is good for us – providing protein, folic acid and many nutrients such as dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals.”

To find out more about Irish Bread and National Bread Week visit There you will find a host of information all about bread as well as details of participating bakeries around the country. Make sure you join in and Love Your Loaf this autumn!
Follow the campaign on Twitter @loveyourloaf and like them at
see also our story about International Bake Bread For Peace Day
see also our story about International Bake Bread For Peace Day