Speaking at the launch, Stephen O’Kelly, Marketing Director at Guinness said, “Arthur Guinness Projects has been inspired by our founder, Arthur Guinness. He was a true visionary, one of the original innovators who, along with many generations of the Guinness family, made many varied philanthropic gestures. We are continuing this tradition with the launch of Arthur Guinness Projects."
"Ireland is a place where there is an abundance of character, talent and creativity and we wanted to play our part in invigorating our inherent culture by championing the wealth of amazing creative potential within the country" he added. "For many people, their dreams or ideas are on hold and through Arthur Guinness Projects, we hope to help them unlock those dreams and set them alight. We are really excited about bringing together people with real weight and experience, and pairing them with those who have inspiring ideas”.
"We are looking for extraordinary people with innovative, inspiring, brilliant ideas, and the passion and drive to make them happen", said Kristin Fox on behalf of Guinness. "All over the country people are trying new things, coming up with new ideas and finding new ways to do business. The Arthur Guinness Projects are designed to encourage and support this new breed of visionaries and entrepreneurs. We believe that now is the time to rewrite the rules and re-imagine an Ireland that we can all be proud of."
The Judges for the Food Panel of the Arthur Guinness Projects are Dylan McGrath, Colin Harmon, Michelle Darmody and Barry Broderick.

One of the Food Projects that has captured the imagination of the project is the recently launched Irish Food Tours which is building a network of Guided Food Tourism Holidays around the whole island of Ireland. We offer Culinary Tours by Coach around Ireland, north and south of the border, which include visits to the best artisan food producers, farms & restaurants that we have in Ireland.
"We can help Irish food producers and tourism operators build a new and successful future together" said Zack Gallagher who submitted his business idea to the Arthur Guinness Projects. "We are linking up with established food groups and creating new ones, to cover destination areas, to offer Guided Irish Food Tours by Coach Around Ireland. We pay the food producers for up to 20 guests per tour, for about an hour of their time describing their products, telling the story behind the food and tastings and are the only venture that is paying the food producers for their time".
"We can help Irish food producers and tourism operators build a new and successful future together" said Zack Gallagher who submitted his business idea to the Arthur Guinness Projects. "We are linking up with established food groups and creating new ones, to cover destination areas, to offer Guided Irish Food Tours by Coach Around Ireland. We pay the food producers for up to 20 guests per tour, for about an hour of their time describing their products, telling the story behind the food and tastings and are the only venture that is paying the food producers for their time".
To win funding from the Arthur Guinness Projects can help these new businesses to grow to their full potential and give those involved a chance to dedicate themselves full time to the venture.
You can log in view all the food projects and to Vote with your Facebook account or by signing up, on the dedicated Food Project section of the website.
The Arthur Guinness Projects winners 2013, a reflection of Ireland’s spirit, culture and modern identity, will be revealed on 23rd September. Also, some of the winners and applicants will be showcased as part of this year’s Arthur’s Day celebrations. Full details on the Arthur’s Day 2013 celebrations will be revealed later this summer.
Vote for our Irish Food Tours project at
The Arthur Guinness Projects winners 2013, a reflection of Ireland’s spirit, culture and modern identity, will be revealed on 23rd September. Also, some of the winners and applicants will be showcased as part of this year’s Arthur’s Day celebrations. Full details on the Arthur’s Day 2013 celebrations will be revealed later this summer.
Good luck to all those who entered in the various categories.